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How the Latest Video API Innovations Can Benefit Your Business

This article was updated on May 5, 2022

Video conferencing may be a given in the business world today, but innovations in the video technology space mean that it can be used for so much more than just virtual 1:1 or team meetings. Now businesses have the opportunity to customize video solutions to suit their specific needs — and solutions like the Vonage Video API are designed to accomplish just that. Read on to learn about the latest innovations in Video API technology and how they can benefit your enterprise.

Image of two laptops and a tablet showing different video applications: one is a meeting, one is a virtual event, and one is a telehealth consult

Hyper-Verticalization Powers Industry-Specific Video Offerings

Video technology is far from “one size fits all.” In fact, video solutions are increasingly aligned to the trend of hyper-verticalization, in which built-for-purpose applications are not only industry specific but specific to the unique customer experiences each organization uses to differentiate themselves. More video solutions are now being developed with the goal of better serving a defined audience, thus helping businesses in those spaces maintain compliance and design video experiences to meet their specific users’ needs. Let’s take a closer look at how the latest Video API offerings benefit agile enterprises and influence entire industries.


Video use has rapidly accelerated in healthcare. The healthcare space now leverages video for 1:1 consultations, group therapy, and expert consultations, with tools and data integrated with video into one platform. A HIPPA-compliant solution optimized for multi-party conferencing, like Vonage’s Video Express, can make it easy to quickly set up a telehealth offering and integrate video into a healthcare platform’s existing application.


The events industry has likewise seen as much, if not more, innovation in the last two years as healthcare. Virtual events went from being cringeworthy, dreaded offerings in 2020 to quite warm and personal — and possibly even fun — in 2022. Video technology needed to evolve to keep pace with the demand to make these virtual events engaging and meaningful for customers. For those in the events industry, consider turning to the latest in Vonage Interactive Broadcast. From greater reach (up to 15,000 participants) to the addition of the Vonage Experience Composer feature (now in Beta), events platforms now have a prime opportunity for differentiation in the virtual events realm, as they create customized video event experiences that immerse audiences during and after the event.


In education, institutions may now need to use video to connect dozens of class and meeting participants, while adhering to requirements to protect students’ privacy. Video innovations like Vonage Video Express can help ensure that the complex demands of virtual learning are met to keep students, teachers, and parents engaged.

Contact Centers

Contact centers are also embracing video technology, as businesses realize the customer experience value of video engagement. Video technology may be new in this space, but it offers many possibilities for engagement, from virtual agent and customer assistance to visual commerce and business services.

How Can Businesses Get Started With the Latest Video Technology?

If your business is looking to upgrade your video technology to keep pace with the latest innovations and provide better customer engagement, now is a great time to take action.

Implementing this new technology doesn’t need to be complicated. For organizations where video forms a key part of how they conduct business, solutions like Vonage’s Video API, Video Express, and Interactive Broadcast have much to offer.

The Vonage Video API can power fully customizable video solutions and embed video directly into your application or website.

For those looking to get started quickly, Vonage Video Express — as you might surmise from the name — can allow businesses to upgrade a video experience quickly using a low-code solution.

Vonage Interactive Broadcast offers large-scale engagement that can be directly embedded into a website or application. For businesses looking to up their virtual events game, this can be a particularly powerful option.

And while not all businesses need to host virtual events on such a grand scale, business meetings conducted via video aren’t going anywhere.

When it comes to video technology, the options are now more expansive and customizable than ever before.

Ready to upgrade your video solution and foster better engagement with employees and customers? Explore the Vonage Video API now.


By Tanya Vernitsky Senior Product Marketer, CPaaS

Tanya is a product marketer for Vonage Communications APIs that power customer journeys within innovative mobile and web applications globally. She focuses on launching new communications technologies and developing strategies for their adoption within education, tutoring and online event platforms. Tanya has previously worked in early stage YC-funded startups in the video streaming and broadcasting industry, and on products enabling better developer experiences.

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