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It’s Time to Have a Conversation About Voice

This article was updated on November 8, 2022

When one thinks about voice as a communications channel, it’s quite natural to immediately think in terms of telephony — a person-to-person phone call, a conference call, or perhaps a phone interaction with a customer support agent.

Illustration of a virtual assistant handling multiple conversations

Let’s Expand That View of Voice

As a business leader responsible for delivering exceptional experiences to your customers, a winning set of products and features is only one element — albeit a crucial one — of building customer loyalty. The speed, effectiveness, and flexibility of your interactions with customers are essential for you to stand apart in your market.

Voice communications as a channel is natural and intuitive — and has never been more relevant for how customers interact with a brand, whether via full-service or self-service.

Consider the emergence and adoption of Conversational AI and its ability to meet a user’s preference for speaking and to deliver a differentiated customer experience. It’s expected that by next year, 85 percent of all customer service interactions will begin with self-service. The continued growth of messaging, SMS, and social channels cannot be denied. But that said, speech-enabled applications like virtual assistants can:

  • validate identity

  • deliver alerts and notifications

  • facilitate product research

  • confirm order submissions

  • provide customer support for routine inquiries or problem resolution

All are key attributes of an omnichannel strategy that meets customer preferences in how they choose to interact with your brand.

From APIs to AI

Vonage’s Voice API is a flexible technology and application integration hub that enables a multitude of use cases across industries that contribute to richer customer experiences, especially when seamlessly integrated with a suite of Conversational AI tools for further personalization and customization.

By promoting self-service and full-service and delivering context in your customer interactions, the Voice API extends and enriches your connectivity, regardless of how you connect — WebRTC, SIP, or PSTN. You can deliver more immediate and satisfying outcomes to your customers from account setup to support, while optimizing your workflows to focus sales and support agents on more complex customer needs.

Voice and AI, as enabled by Vonage with easy-to-deploy APIs and Client SDKs, can give you an essential edge in completing the map of your customers’ journeys.

We would love to start working with you to unlock unique voice experiences and personalize your interactions with your customers, all while maintaining your existing communications stack — PBX, Contact Center, or CRM.

Contact us today to get started with Vonage Voice API. Let’s build something great together!

By Steven Giuffre Senior Manager, Vonage APIs

Steven Giuffre is a Senior Manager for Vonage APIs. He leverages his Conversational AI and Voice expertise to promote personalized communications across channels for brands to deliver richer conversations and context to their customers. Steven lives in Los Angeles, where he enjoys beach life, films of most genres, Rams football, and his dog, Roxy.

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